Florida Pests to Watch Out for in the Summertime
Pests with Florida’s summertime heat can be challenging for your home and garden. Bright light, increased humidity and frequent air movements mean the pests are more active. Pests can be relentless and destructive to your garden and your plants. They want to rip out the roots and eat the leaves from the ground all day. So, it would be best if you were wary of these summer Florida bugs in Hollywood, Florida.
Termites are attracted to wood that is moist and decaying, and they can cause damage to your home by chewing through wood and leaving large holes in walls or floors. Termites typically come out at night and hide during the day. For this reason, it’s essential to check your home regularly for signs of termite infestation. If you suspect that there are termites in your home, contact Captain Termite in Hollywood, Florida immediately so we can take care of it before it gets worse. We are a Florida pest controls company.
Mosquitoes are one of the most common summer bugs in Hollywood, Florida. Mosquitoes are attracted to warm bodies, so they’re likely to swarm around people. Mosquito bites can be painful and annoying, but they’re not usually dangerous unless you have an allergic reaction. The best way to keep mosquitoes away is to use mosquito repellents.
Spiders are usually nocturnal, but they sometimes come out during the day to hunt for insects and other food sources. They also spin webs in which to trap their prey. You can find these webs in trees, under rocks or logs, or even on windowsills. Spiders are prevalent in summer because they have more time to hunt for food than in wintertime. However, spiders are tough to get rid of, so you need Florida pest controls that can help you deal with them.
Ants are a nuisance inside and outside your home and can cause much damage if you don’t control them. There are several reasons why ants are a problem during the summer months. First, these insects require warmth to survive, which means they will move indoors when temperatures drop outside. They are also known to carry diseases like typhus and tuberculosis. So, if you want to keep ants out of your home for good, you need to call a professional exterminator.
Chinch Bugs
Chinch bugs are similar to Aphids and Cucumber Beetles in that they suck the juices from plants, causing them to wilt and die. The adults tend to congregate in large numbers, so when you find one, there are likely many more nearby. This makes them very dangerous because if you pick up one of these insects, you could accidentally release hundreds of others into your house or yard.
Chinch bugs can spread disease through contact with infected individuals or their droppings. In addition, the bites of a chinch bug can cause irritation or an allergic reaction in humans exposed to them through direct contact with their bodies.
Whiteflies suck sap from plants, which they use to grow their bodies and wings. Unfortunately, they also produce honeydew that attracts ants, aphids, and other pests. In addition to damaging plants by sucking their sap out, whiteflies can also carry diseases such as whitefly blight or powdery mildew. Whiteflies are also difficult to control since they thrive in warm climates where they can multiply quickly without any intervention. As a result, only the best Florida pest control methods can eradicate them in your area.
These Florida pests can cause major damage to your home. If you’ve had Florida pest control problems in the past, contact us at Captain Termite, and you’ll never have to worry about them again.