Ant Infestation: What Should You Do To Stop It?
Ants are one of the many insects you don’t want to see roaming around your home. They often gain access through your doors and windows. You can also bring ants inside with you every time you bring home food. These bugs breed so quickly that the sooner you put off getting rid of them, the more time it will take. Find out how you can stop an ant infestation and take care of these bugs.
Look for Signs of an Infestation
No matter where you live, you probably spotted a few ants in your home every now and then. You might see a line of ants marching inside and then heading back outside to their colony. Looking for the signs of an infestation let you know when you need ant extermination services. One common sign is the presence of an ant trail. The trail can feature dozens of ants or more. You should also look for ants around any food that you leave out. When you’re outside, keep your eyes open for any ant hills, too. We offer ant extermination services that get rid of indoor and outdoor ants.
Block All Openings
While you can use ant infestation control products, they only work on the ants that come inside. As long as there are still hills outside, the bugs will just keep coming back. If you have any holes in your walls, seal them. You just need a little caulk. Even if the holes are high on your walls, the ants can climb up the side to reach them. Check for cracks in your windows, too. Ants only need a tiny hole to gain access. At Captain Termite, we tell our clients to seal their doors as well. This can block ants and keep drafts from coming through.
Clean Your Home
An ant exterminator will often recommend that you clean your home before they get to work. Now is a good time to invest in trashcans that seal shut and get rid of any food debris you see. Don’t focus just on your kitchen and/or dining room either. If people eat in other rooms of your home, the crumbs they leave behind can attract ants. Clean and disinfect any surfaces that come into contact with food before you try other ant infestation control methods.
Hire an Exterminator
While you’ll find tons of home remedies that claim you can get rid of ants, the best way to take care of the problem is with a professional exterminator. Our team can find the signs of anthills outside and check for ants living in your home. We offer ant extermination services that work on all of the common types found in the area to give you peace of mind.
Get Rid of All Ants
At Captain Termite, we want to treat your ant infestation and get it under control as quickly as possible. We have chemicals and other products that the general public cannot use that work fast. Get rid of any ants you see when you contact Captain Termite today.
Tags: ant extermination services, ant exterminator, ant infestation, ant infestation control